Tuesday, September 02, 2008

the [SHINE TOUR]...a gift of grace...

its now 1140pm. my wife and i just finished packing for a short tour in NC, VA, MD, OH. we are playing 9 days straight but 11 times in those 9 days. as i prepare mentally, physically, musically and spiritually for these trips i am always blown away by how good God has been to me. from kicking soccer balls 4 hours a day in high school to now writing and sharing songs all over the country i am just in awe of why God has chosen to use us to share songs, stories and His Word to people all over. i say all of this to say thank you. thank you for listening to songs. thank you for coming out to worship with us wherever we show up. thank you for loving God and desperately wanting more of Him...these things encourage my heart to go on when i am facing many hours of long drives through the night to get to the next church to be with you all....we look forward to sharing some humbling moments with many of you on this  [SHINE TOUR] !! May Gods face SHINE brighter than any song and any person on this tour!

see you soon.

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